


2019-03-05 15:44:33  ·  词库



英音 [kæmp] 美音 [kæmp]


n. 营地,工地宿舍;阵营(指观点相同且与持不同观点者对立的集团);兵营;(度假者、旅游者,尤指青少年的)野营地;

vt.& vi. 宿营,露营;

adj. 夸张的;(男子)女人腔的;陈腐可笑的;(男人或其举止)故意带女子气的;

vi. (尤指在假日)野营;借住;行动矫揉造作;搞同性恋;

vt. 使扎营(住宿);使宿于营中;为…提供住处;临时安顿;


  1. temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers;

    "wherever he went in the camp the men were grumbling"

  2. a group of people living together in a camp;

    "the whole camp laughed at his mistake"

  3. temporary lodgings in the country for travelers or vacationers;

    "level ground is best for parking and camp areas"

  4. an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose

  5. a penal institution (often for forced labor);

    "China has many camps for political prisoners"

  6. something that is considered amusing not because of its originality but because of its unoriginality;

    "the living room was pure camp"

  7. shelter for persons displaced by war or political oppression or for religious beliefs

  8. a site where care and activities are provided for children during the summer months;

    "city kids get to see the country at a summer camp"

  1. providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly) mannered or banal or sentimental qualities;

    "they played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect"
    "campy Hollywood musicals of the 1940's"

  1. live in or as if in a tent;

    "Can we go camping again this summer?"
    "The circus tented near the town"
    "The houseguests had to camp in the living room"

  2. establish or set up a camp

  3. give an artificially banal or sexual quality to

campaign n. 运动;竞选运动;战役;季节性竞赛; vi. 参加[发起]运动,参加竞选;参战,参加战役;作战;
campanile n. 钟楼,钟塔;
campanology n. 铸钟学;钟鸣,鸣钟法;铸钟术;
campanula n. 风铃草属植物;
campanulate adj. 钟状的;
camper n. 露营者,野营者;(装有露营设备的)露营车;房车;
campesino n. <西>农夫;
campestral adj. 田野的,乡间的;
campfire n. 营火,篝火;
campground n. 野营地,露营场所;
camphene n. 莰烯;
camphor n. <化>樟脑,莰酮;潮脑;
camphorate vt. 用樟脑浸渍,用樟脑处理;
campion n. 剪秋罗属植物;
campo n. (南美洲的)草原;
camporee n. 童子军露营;
campsite n. 野营地,露营预定地;
campstool n. 轻便折凳;
campus n. 校园;校区;
campylotropous adj. (胚珠) 弯生的;
decamp vi. (突然而常为秘密地)(携某物)逃走;撤营,离开宿营地; n. 逃走,撤营;
encamp v. 扎营;
scamp n. 流氓;(昵称)顽皮的家伙; vt. 草率地做,对…草率从事;

Camp n. 营地,工地宿舍;阵营(指观点相同且与持不同观点者对立的集团);兵营;(度假者、旅游者,尤指青少年的)野营地; vt.& vi. 宿营,露营; adj. 夸张的;(男子)女人腔的;陈腐可笑的;(男人或其举止)故意带女子气的; vi. (尤指在假日)野营;借住;行动矫揉造作;搞同性恋; vt. 使扎营(住宿);使宿于营中;为…提供住处;临时安顿;
camp-out n. 野营,露营生活;
camp meeting n. 信徒的野营集会;
labor camp n. 劳改所,流动工人招待所;
camp follower n. 随军流动的平民,营妓;
youth camp 青年营;
camp sheeting 板桩;
camp sheathing 板桩排;
tourist camp n. 旅客住宿的营地,汽车旅馆,临时宿营用的帐篷;
acclimatization camp 适应性营地;
labour camp n. 劳动营;
cAMP n. 营地,工地宿舍;阵营(指观点相同且与持不同观点者对立的集团);兵营;(度假者、旅游者,尤指青少年的)野营地; vt.& vi. 宿营,露营; adj. 夸张的;(男子)女人腔的;陈腐可笑的;(男人或其举止)故意带女子气的; vi. (尤指在假日)野营;借住;行动矫揉造作;搞同性恋; vt. 使扎营(住宿);使宿于营中;为…提供住处;临时安顿;
CAMP n. 营地,工地宿舍;阵营(指观点相同且与持不同观点者对立的集团);兵营;(度假者、旅游者,尤指青少年的)野营地; vt.& vi. 宿营,露营; adj. 夸张的;(男子)女人腔的;陈腐可笑的;(男人或其举止)故意带女子气的; vi. (尤指在假日)野营;借住;行动矫揉造作;搞同性恋; vt. 使扎营(住宿);使宿于营中;为…提供住处;临时安顿;
training camp n. 训练营地;(运动员的)集训营;
cAMP-PK [医]cAMP-dependent protein kinase;
work camp n. (青少年)劳动夏令营,囚犯劳动营;
mine camp 矿工村;
construction camp 工棚;
camp chair n. 轻便折椅;
Dibutyryl CAMP [医]双丁酰环磷腺苷;
transit camp n. (士兵的)临时宿营地,临时难民营;




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