


2019-03-05 15:44:33  ·  词库



英音 [set] 美音 [sɛt]


vt. 放置,安置;使处于某种状况;设置;摆放餐具;

vi. 落山;出发;凝结;

n. 一套,一副;集合;布景;电视机;

adj. 固定的;位于…的;顽固的;安排好的;


  1. a group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used;

    "a set of books"
    "a set of golf clubs"
    "a set of teeth"

  2. (mathematics) an abstract collection of numbers or symbols;

    "the set of prime numbers is infinite"

  3. several exercises intended to be done in series;

    "he did four sets of the incline bench press"

  4. representation consisting of the scenery and other properties used to identify the location of a dramatic production;

    "the sets were meticulously authentic"

  5. an unofficial association of people or groups;

    "the smart set goes there"
    "they were an angry lot"

  6. a relatively permanent inclination to react in a particular way;

    "the set of his mind was obvious"

  7. the act of putting something in position;

    "he gave a final set to his hat"

  8. a unit of play in tennis or squash;

    "they played two sets of tennis after dinner"

  9. the process of becoming hard or solid by cooling or drying or crystallization;

    "the hardening of concrete"
    "he tested the set of the glue"

  10. evil Egyptian god with the head of a beast that has high square ears and a long snout; brother and murderer of Osiris

  11. the descent of a heavenly body below the horizon;

    "before the set of sun"

  12. (psychology) being temporarily ready to respond in a particular way;

    "the subjects' set led them to solve problems the familiar way and to overlook the simpler solution"
    "his instructions deliberately gave them the wrong set"

  13. any electronic equipment that receives or transmits radio or tv signals;

    "the early sets ran on storage batteries"

  1. (usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed;

    "in no fit state to continue"
    "fit to drop"
    "laughing fit to burst"
    "she was fit to scream"
    "primed for a fight"
    "we are set to go at any time"

  2. fixed and unmoving;

    "with eyes set in a fixed glassy stare"
    "his bearded face already has a set hollow look"
    "a face rigid with pain"

  3. situated in a particular spot or position;

    "valuable centrally located urban land"
    "strategically placed artillery"
    "a house set on a hilltop"
    "nicely situated on a quiet riverbank"

  4. set down according to a plan:

    "a carefully laid table with places set for four people"
    "stones laid in a pattern"

  5. being below the horizon;

    "the moon is set"

  6. determined or decided upon as by an authority;

    "date and place are already determined"
    "the dictated terms of surrender"
    "the time set for the launching"

  7. converted to solid form (as concrete)

  1. put into a certain place or abstract location;

    "Put your things here"
    "Set the tray down"
    "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"
    "Place emphasis on a certain point"

  2. fix conclusively or authoritatively;

    "set the rules"

  3. decide upon or fix definitely;

    "fix the variables"
    "specify the parameters"

  4. establish as the highest level or best performance;

    "set a record"

  5. put into a certain state; cause to be in a certain state;

    "set the house afire"

  6. fix in a border;

    "The goldsmith set the diamond"

  7. make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc;

    "Get the children ready for school!"
    "prepare for war"
    "I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill"

  8. set to a certain position or cause to operate correctly;

    "set clocks or instruments"

  9. locate;

    "The film is set in Africa"

  10. disappear beyond the horizon;

    "the sun sets early these days"

  11. adapt for performance in a different way;

    "set this poem to music"

  12. put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground;

    "Let's plant flowers in the garden"

  13. apply or start;

    "set fire to a building"

  14. become gelatinous;

    "the liquid jelled after we added the enzyme"

  15. set in type;

    "My book will be typeset nicely"
    "set these words in italics"

  16. put into a position that will restore a normal state;

    "set a broken bone"

  17. insert (a nail or screw below the surface, as into a countersink)

  18. give a fine, sharp edge to a knife or razor

  19. urge to attack someone;

    "The owner sicked his dogs on the intruders"
    "the shaman sics sorcerers on the evil spirits"

  20. estimate;

    "We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M."

  21. equip with sails or masts;

    "rig a ship"

  22. get ready for a particular purpose or event;

    "set up an experiment"
    "set the table"
    "lay out the tools for the surgery"

  23. alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard;

    "Adjust the clock, please"
    "correct the alignment of the front wheels"

  24. bear fruit;

    "the apple trees fructify"

  25. arrange attractively;

    "dress my hair for the wedding"

seta n. 刚毛,刺毛;
setaceous adj. 刚毛一般的,长有刚毛的;
setae n. 刚毛(seta的复数);刚毛,刺毛( seta的名词复数 );
setback n. 挫折;阻碍;退步;逆流;
setiferous adj. 具刚毛的;
setiform adj. 刚毛状的,似刺毛的;
setigerous adj. 具刚毛的;
setline n. 有一排钩子的长钓鱼线;
setoff n. 衬托物,装饰品,抵消;
setose adj. 多刚毛的;
setout n. 开始;出发;准备;布置;
setscrew n. 固定螺丝钉;
settee n. 长靠椅;中小型长沙发;
setter n. 安放者,安装员;作曲者;排字者;塞特种猎狗;
setting n. 镶嵌;环境;装置;(某事、戏剧、小说等的)背景; v. 放( set的现在分词);安插;树立;安排;
settle vt. 解决;安排;使定居;使沉淀; vi. 下沉;定居; n. 高背长靠椅;
settlement n. 解决;结算;<律>金钱或财产的转让(契约);沉淀;定居点;
settler n. 移民,侨民;殖民者;决定者;
settlings n. 沉淀物( settling的名词复数 );沉积物;

SET vt. 放置,安置;使处于某种状况;设置;摆放餐具; vi. 落山;出发;凝结; n. 一套,一副;集合;布景;电视机; adj. 固定的;位于…的;顽固的;安排好的;
set of accounts set 账簿;
denumerable set 可数集;
open set 开放集;开集;
drive set 驱动装置;
attainable set 可达集;
set scene n. 舞台上的个别立体布景;
transponder set 发射机应答器设备;
plastometric set 塑性变形;
demonstration set 示范装置;
set acho 设置回音;
set. 部分,段;
successor set of set [计] 集合的后继集;
starlike set 拟星集;
zootomy set [医]动物解剖器械包;
multiplexer set 多路复用设备;
set right 使恢复正常,校正,纠正…的错误;拨正;
SET TIME 规定时间,指定时间;
affine set 仿射集;
table set n. 成套餐具;




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