


2019-03-05 18:21:14  ·  词库



英音 [tu:l] 美音 [tul]


n. 器具,工具;(有助于做工或完成某事的)用具;受人利用的人;压印机;

vt. 用工具给…加工;压印;驾车到处跑;

vi. 使用工具;开车,乘车;


  1. an implement used in the practice of a vocation

  2. the means whereby some act is accomplished;

    "my greed was the instrument of my destruction"
    "science has given us new tools to fight disease"

  3. a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone else

  4. obscene terms for penis

  1. drive;

    "The convertible tooled down the street"

  2. ride in a car with no particular goal and just for the pleasure of it;

    "We tooled down the street"

  3. furnish with tools

  4. work with a tool

barstool n. 酒吧高脚凳;
campstool n. 轻便折凳;
faldstool n. (尤指主教用的)折叠式椅子;无靠背的椅子;跪拜台;祈祷用小案;
footstool n. 脚凳;
retool vt.& vi. (给…)更换工具, (给…)更换机械设备; vt. 改组,革新;
stool n. 凳子,高脚凳;大便,粪便;根株; v. 长出新枝;排便;
toadstool n. 毒菌,毒蕈;
toolbox n. 工具箱;
tooling v. 加工; n. 用工具修整,工具作业;(装钉)压型;
toolmaker n. 精密工具制造者;

sizing tool 校准刀;
fishing tool 打捞工具;
pitching tool 斧凿;
checkering tool 滚花工具;
biface tool 双面工具;
scribing tool 划针盘;
shape tool n. 形状工具;
tool van 工具车;
shaving tool 剃齿工具;刮齿工具;剃齿刀;刮齿刀;
moulder tool 造型工具;
grafting tool 铲,锹;
tool using 使用工具;
tool slider 刀具滑座;
tool face 刀面;
cable tool 钢线绳冲击钻钻具;
tool breakage 工具划伤;
shear tool 精刨刀(其切削刃相对于刀体垂直对称面转过15°-20°角);
Farm tool [医]农具;
threading tool 螺纹车刀,挑扣刀;
tool pan 刀盘;
forging tool 锻造用工具;




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