


2019-03-05 18:20:59  ·  词库



英音 [ɜ:θ] 美音 [ɜrθ]


n. 地球;陆地;泥土;兽穴;

vt. 把(电线)接地;盖(土);追赶入洞穴;

vi. 躲进地洞;


  1. the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on;

    "the Earth moves around the sun"
    "he sailed around the world"

  2. the loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface;

    "they dug into the earth outside the church"

  3. the solid part of the earth's surface;

    "the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land"
    "the earth shook for several minutes"
    "he dropped the logs on the ground"

  4. the abode of mortals (as contrasted with Heaven or Hell);

    "it was hell on earth"

  5. once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)

  6. the concerns of this life as distinguished from heaven and the afterlife;

    "they consider the church to be independent of the world"

  7. a connection between an electrical device and a large conducting body, such as the earth (which is taken to be at zero voltage)

  1. hide in the earth like a hunted animal

  2. connect to the earth;

    "earth the circuit"

dearth n. 缺乏,稀少;
earthborn adj. 地中长出的;人类的;会死的;尘世的;
earthbound adj. 固着于土地的,为世俗利益所束缚的,讲实际的;
earthen adj. (地面或墙)泥土做的,土制的;(物体)陶制的;瓦;
earthenware n. 陶器;
earthlight n. <天>地球反照;
earthling n. (科幻小说中外星球人谈话时使用的)地球人;
earthly adj. 地球的,地上的;尘世的,世俗的;可能的;
earthman n. 地球人(即地球上的人,该词源于科幻小说);
earthmover n. 重型推土机;
earthnut n. 花生,块根;
earthquake n. 地震;大变动;动乱;
earthrise n. 地出(从月球上看地球,地球从月球的地平线上升起);
earthshaking adj. 震撼全球的,极为重大的,翻天覆地的;惊天动地;
earthshine n. 地球反照;
earthstar n. 量显地星;
earthward adv. 向地球,向地面;
earthwork n. 土方(工程),土木工事;
earthworm n. 蚯蚓;
earthy adj. 泥土的;土质的;朴实的;粗俗的;
hearth n. 灶台,炉边;(高炉的)炉膛,炉缸;〈比喻〉家庭;壁炉地面;
unearth vt. 发掘;揭露;从洞中赶出;
star n. 星;星状物;星级;明星; v. 主演;(在文字等旁)标星号;
Sun n. 太阳,阳光;恒星;中心人物; v. 晒太阳;
Earth n. 地球;陆地;泥土;兽穴; vt. 把(电线)接地;盖(土);追赶入洞穴; vi. 躲进地洞;
Moon n. 月亮,月球;卫星;月状物,新月状物; vi. 闲逛;出神;[俚语] 露出屁股以戏弄; vt. 虚度;
Mercury n. [化]汞,水银;[天]水星;温度表;精神,元气;
Venus 维纳斯;金星;
Mars abbr. master attitude reference system 主要态度参考系统;midair retrieval system 中空恢复系统;military affiliated radio system 军用附属无线电系统;mathematics anxiety rating scale 数学焦虑等级刻度; n. 毁坏,损坏,玷污( mar的名词复数 ); v. 毁坏,损坏,玷污( mar的第三人称单数 );
Jupiter n. 木星;
Saturn n. <天>土星;[罗史]农神;铅;(美国的)土星运载火箭;
Uranus n. 天王星;(希腊神话)乌拉诺斯神;
Neptune n. 海王星;(罗马神话)海神尼普顿;
Pluto n. <天>冥王星;<希腊>冥府之神,冥王;
planet n. [天]行星;[占星](左右人命运的)星相;
meteor n. 流星;大气现象; abbr. 气象学(=meteorology);
comet n. [天]彗星;孛;
Nebula n. 星云;星云状的星系;
galaxy n. 星系;银河系;一群显赫的(出色的)人物;
constellation n. 星座;一群杰出人物;一系列(相关的想法、事物);一群(相关的人);

earth's adj. 地球的,土地的;
earth satellite 地球卫星;
earth backing 复土,还土;
partial earth 部分接地;
tripoli earth 硅藻土;
loose earth 松土;
earth tap 接地抽头;
Earth Day 地球日;
sea earth 海底电缆接地;
earth tide 固体潮;陆潮;
earth-god n. 大地之神;
earth's adj. 地球的,土地的;
earth backing 复土,还土;
loose earth 松土;
auxiliary earth 辅助接地;
earth-eater [医] 食土癖者;
take earth v. 逃入洞内,隐匿;
real earth 实地球;
Barbados earth 放射虫石;
earth stabilizer 土壤稳定剂;
earth lead 地线;
earth conductor 地联结线;




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