


2019-03-05 12:07:10  ·  词库



英音 [leg] 美音 [lɛɡ]


n. 腿;支柱,支架;裤腿;一段赛程;

vi. <口>走,跑;


  1. a human limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part of the limb between the knee and ankle

  2. a structure in animals that is similar to a human leg and used for locomotion

  3. one of the supports for a piece of furniture

  4. a part of a forked or branching shape;

    "he broke off one of the branches"

  5. the limb of an animal used for food

  6. a prosthesis that replaces a missing leg

  7. a cloth covering consisting of the part of a pair of trousers that covers a person's leg

  8. (nautical) the distance traveled by a sailing vessel on a single tack

  9. a section or portion of a journey or course;

    "then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise"

leg. abbr. legislation 立法;legislative 立法的;legal 法律的;legislature 立法机关;
legacy n. 遗产;遗赠;
legal adj. 法律的;合法的;法定的;法律(上)的; n. 法定权利;依法必须登报的声明;
legalese n. 法律措辞,法律术语;
legalism n. 拘泥于法律或规定的人,律法尊重主义者;
legality n. 合法性;墨守法规;法律上的义务;
legalize vt. 使合法化;使得到法律认可;
legate n. 使节;
legatee n. 遗产受赠人;受遗赠人;
legatine adj. (罗马教皇的)使节的,使者的,具有使者职权的;
legation n. 公使馆全体人员;
legato adv.& adj. 连奏地(的),连唱地(的);
legator n. 遗赠者,立遗嘱者;
legend n. 传说;传奇人物;铭文;图例;
legendary adj. 传说的;传奇的;极其著名的; n. 传说集;[宗]圣徒传;
legendry n. 传说集,轶话集,传奇文学;
legerdemain n. 手法;戏法;花招;诈术;
legerity n. 敏捷,轻巧;

leg and leg adv. (双方得分相等)平分秋色;
elevator leg 升运器支架;
leg brace 腿固定器;
cupola leg 冲天炉炉腿;
leg up n. (对上马或跨跃障碍时的)帮助;
drive leg 蹬冰腿;
leg raise 腿举;
jet leg 高速时滞反应;
air leg 风力锤;
leg vice 台虎钳,长腿虎钳;
leg before 腿碰球(的);
tripod leg 三脚架;
prosthetic leg [医]假腿;
leg bath [医]下肢浴器;
black leg (烟草的)黑脚病;根朽病;(甜菜的)蛇眼病;丝核菌病;
leg exerciser [医]腿训练器,腿部训练器;
leg abscess [医]接骨发;
dead leg 盲管段;
red leg [医] 蛙腿红肿病;
nonplastered leg [医]未上石膏腿;




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