


2019-03-05 12:18:47  ·  词库



英音 [bæk] 美音 [bæk]


n. 背,背部;背面,反面;后面,后部;(椅子等的)靠背;

vt. 使后退;支持;加背书于;下赌注于;

vi. 后退;倒退;

adj. 背部的;后面的;以前的;拖欠的;

adv. 以前;向后地;


  1. the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine;

    "his back was nicely tanned"

  2. the side that goes last or is not normally seen;

    "he wrote the date on the back of the photograph"

  3. the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer;

    "he stood at the back of the stage"
    "it was hidden in the rear of the store"

  4. (football) a person who plays in the backfield

  5. the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord;

    "the fall broke his back"

  6. the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book;

    "the book had a leather binding"

  7. the part of a garment that covers the back of your body;

    "they pinned a `kick me' sign on his back"

  8. a support that you can lean against while sitting;

    "the back of the dental chair was adjustable"

  9. (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage

  1. related to or located at the back;

    "the back yard"
    "the back entrance"

  2. located at or near the back of an animal;

    "back (or hind) legs"
    "the hinder part of a carcass"

  3. of an earlier date;

    "back issues of the magazine"

  1. in or to or toward a former location;

    "she went back to her parents' house"

  2. at or to or toward the back or rear;

    "he moved back"
    "tripped when he stepped backward"
    "she looked rearward out the window of the car"

  3. in or to or toward an original condition;

    "he went back to sleep"

  4. in or to or toward a past time;

    "set the clocks back an hour"
    "never look back"
    "lovers of the past looking fondly backward"

  5. in reply;

    "he wrote back three days later"

  6. in repayment or retaliation;

    "we paid back everything we had borrowed"
    "he hit me and I hit him back"
    "I was kept in after school for talking back to the teacher"

  1. be behind; approve of;

    "He plumped for the Labor Party"
    "I backed Kennedy in 1960"

  2. travel backward;

    "back into the driveway"
    "The car backed up and hit the tree"

  3. give support or one's approval to;

    "I'll second that motion"
    "I can't back this plan"
    "endorse a new project"

  4. cause to travel backward;

    "back the car into the parking spot"

  5. support financial backing for;

    "back this enterprise"

  6. be in back of;

    "My garage backs their yard"

  7. place a bet on;

    "Which horse are you backing?"
    "I'm betting on the new horse"

  8. shift to a counterclockwise direction;

    "the wind backed"

  9. establish as valid or genuine;

    "Can you back up your claims?"

  10. strengthen by providing with a back or backing

aback adv. 吃惊地;向后;<航海>(帆船)突遇顶风而停止前进; adj. <航海>处于顶风位置的;
answerback [电] 回答;
backache n. 背痛,腰痛;
backbeat n. (尤指爵士乐、流行乐的)基调强节奏;
backbench n. 后座议员席位;
backbite vt.& vi. 中伤;
backboard n. (篮球)篮板;
backbone n. 脊梁骨,脊椎;分水岭;支柱;决心,毅力;
backbreaking adj. (体力劳动)艰苦繁重的,累死人的;
backcloth n. (尤指戏剧中用的)背景幕布;
backcountry <美>穷乡僻壤;
backcourt n. 距球门最远的场地;
backcross n. 回[逆]交,回交杂种; vt. 使回交; vi. 回交;
backdoor adj. 秘密的;
backdrop n. <戏>背景幕布;背景;交流声;
backed adj. 有背的,有财力支持的; v. (使)后退, (使)倒退( back的过去式和过去分词 );支持;作…的衬里;(用证据或理论来)证实(一种理论或主张);
backer n. 支持者,赞助者;(打字机的)垫纸;(赛马等的)赌客;
backfield n. 守卫区;守卫队员,守卫队员的位置;
backfire vi. 发生回火;适得其反,事与愿违的结果; n. 逆火;
backgammon n. 西洋双陆棋;
background n. (画等的)背景;底色;背景资料;配乐;
backgrounder n. 政府官员举行的记者招待会;
backhand n. 反手,反手击球;
backhanded adj. (恭维话)讽刺挖苦的;假惺惺的;(网球等运动)反手击球的;用反手的;
backhoe n. 反铲挖土机;
backing n. 支持;支持者;背衬;<口>(独唱或独奏的)伴奏; v. (使)后退,(使)倒退( back的现在分词);支持;作…的衬里;(用证据或理论来)证实(一种理论或主张);
backlash n. 反击;后坐;激烈反应;
backlight n. 背后照明; vt. 从背后照亮;
backlist n. 存书目录,重版书目录;
backlit adj. 从背后照亮的;
backlog n. 积压未办之事;没交付的订货;存货,储备; vt. (使)积压;储存;
backpack n. (指登山者、步行者使用或背小孩时使用的)背包, (有轻金属框的)箱形背包; vi. 背着背包徒步旅行;
backpedal vi. 改变主意,变卦,背弃诺言;
backpressure 反压力,背压;
backrest n. (家具的)靠背;
backroom adj. (工作)秘密的,在幕后进行的;,(人)幕后的; n. 密室;
backrush 回卷;
backsaw n. (以金属在背部加厚的)短锯;
backscatter 反向散射体;

back-to-back adj. 背靠背的;连续的,一个接一个的; n. 连排式房屋(侧面和背面相连接)(英式英语);
back to back 背靠背;背对背;
back shift 二次变换;
back stairs n. 后楼梯,诡秘的手段或方法;
back play 空程,空隙;
kick back 踢回;<非正>复发;退还;突然反冲;
phasing back 后相;
back poppet 后顶针座,后随转尾座;
back tax 退缴税;
claw-back n. 加税补偿,缺点;
fish back 锯齿板,梳齿隔板;
back-to-back testing 反馈试验,背靠背试验;
back-to-back circuit 背对背电路;
back to back diodes 背对背二极管;
back-to-back test 成对试验,整流子片试验;
back-to-back starting 反向起动;
back-by-back display 双向距离显示器;
back-to back credit [法] 背对背信用状,对开信用状;
back-to-back method 背靠背法,反馈法;
back to back method 反馈法;
back to back credit [经] 对开信用证书,转开信用证书;
back-to-back running 反馈运行,背靠背运行;




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