


2019-03-05 18:21:20  ·  词库



英音 [deθ] 美音 [dɛθ]


n. 死亡;(某种)死法,死亡方式;病危;死神;


  1. the event of dying or departure from life;

    "her death came as a terrible shock"
    "upon your decease the capital will pass to your grandchildren"

  2. the permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism;

    "the animal died a painful death"

  3. the absence of life or state of being dead;

    "he seemed more content in death than he had ever been in life"

  4. the time when something ends;

    "it was the death of all his plans"
    "a dying of old hopes"

  5. the time at which life ends; continuing until dead;

    "she stayed until his death"
    "a struggle to the last"

  6. the personification of death;

    "Death walked the streets of the plague-bound city"

  7. a final state;

    "he came to a bad end"
    "the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end"

  8. the act of killing;

    "he had two deaths on his conscience"

deathbed n. 临死所卧的床,临终之时;
deathblow n. 致命的打击;
deathless adj. 不死的,不灭的;
deathly adv.& adj. 死一般的/地,让人想到死亡;
deathsman n. <古>刽子手,死刑执行人;
deathtrap n. 危险的地方,危险的建筑物;死地;
deathwatch n. 临终看护;窃盗;
megadeath n. 一百万人的死亡(核武器杀伤力的计算单位);

living death 活受罪,阴惨的生活;
mimic death 假死;
neutron death 中子俘获;
death annuity 抚恤年金;
cot death n. 婴儿猝死综合征;
death chamber 死了人的房间;
death-wound n. 致命伤;
civil death n. 剥夺公权终身;
sudden death n. 暴死,突然死亡法;猝死;急死;
death warrant n. 死刑执行令,致命打击;
death spiral 固定轴环绕;
death cell [法] 死囚牢房;
Intraoperative death [医]手术中死亡;
simulated death [法] 装死;
violent death 暴力死亡;
death ray 死光,杀伤性射线;
death chair n. 处决死囚的电椅;
strangled death [医]扼死;
nonrenal death [医]非肾性死亡;
thymus death [医] 胸腺性猝死;
biological death 生物死亡;




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