


2019-03-05 12:07:21  ·  词库



英音 [dɑ:ns] 美音 [dæns]


n. 跳舞;舞会;舞蹈艺术;舞曲;

vi. 跳舞;手舞足蹈;摇晃;跳跃;

vt. 使跳舞;


  1. an artistic form of nonverbal communication

  2. a party of people assembled for dancing

  3. taking a series of rhythmical steps (and movements) in time to music

  4. a party for social dancing

  1. move in a graceful and rhythmical way;

    "The young girl danced into the room"

  2. move in a pattern; usually to musical accompaniment; do or perform a dance;

    "My husband and I like to dance at home to the radio"

  3. skip, leap, or move up and down or sideways;

    "Dancing flames"
    "The children danced with joy"

abidance n. 持续,遵守,居住;
abundance n. 丰富,充裕;大量,极多;盈余;丰度;
accordance n. 一致;和谐;按照;依据;
ascendance n. 优越,权势,主权;
attendance n. 出席,参加;出席率;出席者,出席人数;
avoidance n. 逃避;职位空缺;废止;无效;
concordance n. 和谐,一致性;
contradance n. (contredanse的变体)对面舞,对面舞曲;
danceable adj. (指音乐)适合跳舞的;
dancegoer n. 1。常看舞蹈的观众;
dependance n. <美>依靠;依赖;信任;信赖;
discordance n. 不调和,不和,不一致性;不整合;假整合;
guidance n. 指导,引导;导航;领导;
impedance n. 阻抗,全电阻;电阻抗;
intendance n. 监督,管理;
overabundance n. 过多;
riddance n. (用以表示庆幸的感叹)谢天谢地,总算摆脱了;
voidance n. 放出;放空;空出;出清;

dance band n. 跳舞乐队;
skirt dance n. 长裙舞;
square-dance n. 方块舞;
dinner dance n. 筵席后有舞会的宴会;
ballroom dance 交际舞,交谊舞;
clog dance n. 木屐舞;
pyrrhic dance n. 古希腊的战舞;
social dance n. 交际舞;
war dance n. 战阵舞;
barn dance n. 谷仓舞;
drum dance 腰鼓舞;
hilar dance [医] 肺门剧跳,肺门血管搏动过度;
tea dance n. 茶舞,下午的舞会;
Dance sign [医]丹斯征(肠套叠时腹部体征);
dance therapy 舞蹈疗法;
dance drama n. 舞蹈剧;舞剧;
step dance n. 踢趿舞;踢踏舞;
tap dance n. 踢踏舞;
brachial dance [医]肱动脉搏动过度,肱动脉搏动;
dance-band n. 伴舞乐队;




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