


2019-03-05 12:10:04  ·  词库



英音 [bæd] 美音 [bæd]


adj. 坏的,不好的;严重的;不舒服的;低劣的,有害的;

n. 坏人,坏事;

adv. 不好地,非常地;


  1. that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency;

    "take the bad with the good"

  1. having undesirable or negative qualities;

    "a bad report card"
    "his sloppy appearance made a bad impression"
    "a bad little boy"
    "clothes in bad shape"
    "a bad cut"
    "bad luck"
    "the news was very bad"
    "the reviews were bad"
    "the pay is bad"
    "it was a bad light for reading"
    "the movie was a bad choice"

  2. very intense;

    "a bad headache"
    "in a big rage"
    "had a big (or bad) shock"
    "a bad earthquake"
    "a bad storm"

  3. feeling physical discomfort or pain (`tough' is occasionally used colloquially for `bad');

    "my throat feels bad"
    "she felt bad all over"
    "he was feeling tough after a restless night"

  4. (of foodstuffs) not in an edible or usable condition;

    "bad meat"
    "a refrigerator full of spoilt food"

  5. feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone;

    "felt regretful over his vanished youth"
    "regretful over mistakes she had made"
    "he felt bad about breaking the vase"

  6. not capable of being collected;

    "a bad (or uncollectible) debt"

  7. below average in quality or performance;

    "a bad chess player"
    "a bad recital"

  8. nonstandard;

    "so-called bad grammar"

  9. not financially safe or secure;

    "a bad investment"
    "high risk investments"
    "anything that promises to pay too much can't help being risky"
    "speculative business enterprises"

  10. physically unsound or diseased;

    "has a bad back"
    "a bad heart"
    "bad teeth"
    "an unsound limb"
    "unsound teeth"

  11. capable of harming;

    "bad air"
    "smoking is bad for you"

  12. characterized by wickedness or immorality;

    "led a very bad life"

  13. reproduced fraudulently;

    "like a bad penny..."
    "a forged twenty dollar bill"

  14. not working properly;

    "a bad telephone connection"
    "a defective appliance"

  1. with great intensity (`bad' is a nonstandard variant for `badly');

    "the injury hurt badly"
    "the buildings were badly shaken"
    "it hurts bad"
    "we need water bad"

  2. very much; strongly;

    "I wanted it badly enough to work hard for it"
    "the cables had sagged badly"
    "they were badly in need of help"
    "he wants a bicycle so bad he can taste it"

badass n. 寻衅闹事的人; 不合作的人;惯犯;劣性牲口; adj. 无法无天的;坏的;不值钱的;不好对付的;
bade v. 出价,投标( bid的过去式 );恳求;命令;说(问候话);
badge n. 徽章,像章,奖章;象征,标记;[美国俚语]警察; vt. 以…为标志;使佩带像章(或徽章、标记);给予…标记(或徽号);授予…奖章(或徽章); abbr. [空]<美>(=Base Air Defense Ground Environment)基地防空地面警备系统;
badger n. 獾;獾皮;(大写)獾州人(美国威斯康星州人的别称);<动><澳>毛鼻袋熊; vt. 纠缠不休;吵着要;烦扰;
badinage n. 打趣,玩笑;
badlands n. (尤指北美的)荒原,岩石嶙峋之地;
badly adv. 非常,在很大程度上;坏,拙劣地;不利地,有害地;
badminton n. 羽毛球;羽毛球运动;
badmouth 说坏话;

bad times 不景气;
bad account n. 坏账,无法收回的应收款项;
bad cheque n. 空头支票;
bad claim 不良债权;
bad actor 性子暴劣的马;
bad packing 包装不良;
bad form 不礼貌的举动[行为];
bad debts n. 坏账;呆账(收不回的账)( bad debt的名词复数 );倒账;
bad blood 厌恶感;
bad faith 奸诈,不诚实,不守信用;
bad boy [法] 不良少年,反叛儿;
bad trade [经] 贸易不振,贸易萧条;
bad breath n. 难闻的气味;
bad egg <口>坏家伙,混蛋;失败的计划;
bad year [经] 儿年,歉收年;
bad contact 不良接点,接触不良;
bad start 不良起动;
bad cast 钢丝盘卷不匀(有涨圈、收圈、反盘等现象),杂乱排绕;
bad man [法] 暴徒,歹徒,受人雇用的枪手;
marriage bad [法] 新婚床,夫妇关系,夫妻床第之事;




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