


2019-03-05 12:10:14  ·  词库



英音 [brɪdʒ] 美音 [brɪdʒ]


n. 桥;桥牌;鼻梁;起联系作用的东西;

vt. 在…建桥,架桥于…之上;通过桥横跨;


  1. a structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc.

  2. a circuit consisting of two branches (4 arms arranged in a diamond configuration) across which a meter is connected

  3. something resembling a bridge in form or function;

    "his letters provided a bridge across the centuries"

  4. the hard ridge that forms the upper part of the nose;

    "her glasses left marks on the bridge of her nose"

  5. any of various card games based on whist for four players

  6. a wooden support that holds the strings up

  7. a denture anchored to teeth on either side of missing teeth

  8. the link between two lenses; rests on the nose

  9. an upper deck where a ship is steered and the captain stands

  1. connect or reduce the distance between

  2. make a bridge across;

    "bridge a river"

  3. cross over on a bridge

Bainbridge [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 班布里奇住所名称,来源于河流名Bain+古英语,含义是“桥”(bridge);[地名] [英国、英国] 班布里奇;
Cambridge n. 剑桥;
Coatbridge [地名] [英国] 科特布里奇;
Lethbridge [人名] 莱思布里奇;[地名] [加拿大] 莱斯布里奇;
Muybridge [人名] 迈布里奇;
Oxbridge n. 牛津剑桥(牛津大学; adj. 牛津大学或剑桥大学的;
Southbridge [地名] [美国、新西兰] 绍斯布里奇;
Stockbridge [地名] [英国、英国] 斯托克布里奇;
Woodbridge [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 伍德布里奇住所名称,来源于古英语,含义是“树林+桥”(wood+bridge),即木桥或林边之桥;[地名] [加拿大、美国、英国] 伍德布里奇;
abridge vt. 节略;减少;缩短;<古>剥夺(某人的)权利(或特权等);
bridgeboard n. 楼梯的侧板;
bridgehead n. 桥塔,桥头堡;
bridgework n. 架桥工程,假牙架;桥托;
drawbridge n. (昔日的)开合桥,吊桥,活动桥;
footbridge n. 人行桥;

bridge block 桥砖;
hanging bridge n. 吊桥;
bridge steel 桥用钢;
floating bridge n. 浮桥;
bridge mathematics 桥牌中的数学;
bridge diplexer 桥接双工器;
bridge grafting 桥接;
bridge superstructure 桥梁上部结构;
occupation bridge n. 专用桥梁;
bridge calibration 电桥校准;
bridge escape 摆脱桥;
bridge in bridge 跨接;
active bridge [医]有源电桥;
schering bridge 沃电桥;
crystal bridge 晶体检波器电桥;
induction bridge 感应电桥;
conductivity bridge 电导电桥;
curved bridge 曲线桥;曲桥;
stationary bridge [医] 固定桥;
Router/Bridge [计] 桥解路由器;
sound bridge 声桥;




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