


2019-03-05 15:44:27  ·  词库



英音 [hi] 美音 [hi]


pron. 他,它;一个人;

n. 雄性动物;


  1. a very light colorless element that is one of the six inert gasses; the most difficult gas to liquefy; occurs in economically extractable amounts in certain natural gases (as those found in Texas and Kansas)

  2. the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet

he'd abbr. he had 他有(英略语);he would 他将要,他可能要;
he'll abbr. he will 他将会;
he's abbr. he has 他有(缩略语);he is 他是(缩略语);
head n. 上端;头脑;头部;首脑,首长; vt. 用头顶;前进;作为…的首领;站在…的前头; vi. 朝…行进;出发;向…方向移动;船驶往; adj. 头的;在前头的;首要的;在顶端的;
headache n. 头痛;令人头痛的事;
headband n. (扎在额头上的)束发带,扎头带;
headboard n. 床头板;
headcheese n. <美>头肉冻,头肉香肠(常用猪头、猪脚、猪舌等肉制成);
headdress n. 饰头巾,头发编梳的式样;
headed adj. 有头的,有标题的; v. 用头顶(球)( head的过去式和过去分词 );带领;使朝…方向行进;位于排行之首;
header n. 头球;割穗机;(计算机打印时自动加在各页顶端的)标头;集管;
headfast n. 艏系索;
headfirst adv. 头向前地,不顾前后地;
headful n. 头所能容纳的量;
headgear n. 头饰,帽子;
headhunt n. 野蛮人猎取人头的出征; v. 出外猎取人头;
headhunting v. 出外猎取人头( headhunt的现在分词 );
heading n. 标题,题名;信头;[航]航向;斩首; v. 用头顶(head的现在分词);

HE pron. 他,它;一个人; n. 雄性动物;
he-man n. 颇有男性气概的男人;
s/he abbr. she or he 她或他,她/他;
How old is he? 他多少岁了?;
hit sb. when he's down v. 乘人之危;
paint the devil blacker than he is v. 言过其实;诽过其实;
He laughs best who laughs last. st. 笑在最后笑得最好。;
Talk of the devil and he comes. 说曹操,曹操到;
hit a man when he is down 落井下石;
As a man sows and so he shall reap. st. 种豆得豆。;
he's abbr. he has 他有(缩略语);he is 他是(缩略语);
he. [医][=head]头部;
He pron. 他,它;一个人; n. 雄性动物;
HE inj. [医][=hyperextension injury]伸展过度性损伤;
He AA [医][=hetarocyclic amino acid]杂环氨基酸;
he is 他是;
He abundance 氦丰度;
he has 他有;




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