


2019-03-05 18:28:10  ·  词库



英音 [nek] 美音 [nɛk]


n. 颈,脖子;衣领;海峡;[地]岩颈;

vi. 搂着脖子亲吻,相拥互吻;变狭窄;

vt. 使变细;与…搂著脖子亲吻;割颈杀死(家禽等);


  1. the part of an organism (human or animal) that connects the head to the rest of the body;

    "he admired her long graceful neck"
    "the horse won by a neck"

  2. a narrow elongated projecting strip of land

  3. a cut of meat from the neck of an animal

  4. a narrow part of an artifact that resembles a neck in position or form;

    "the banjo had a long neck"
    "the bottle had a wide neck"

  5. an opening in a garment for the neck of the wearer; a part of the garment near the wearer's neck

  1. kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion;

    "The couple were necking in the back seat of the car"

Mamaroneck [地名] [美国] 马马罗内克;
bottleneck n. 瓶颈;瓶颈路段(常引起交通堵塞);(尤指工商业发展的)瓶颈;阻碍;
breakneck adj. 要使颈骨折断似的,非常危险的;
crookneck n. <美>一种颈长而弯曲的南瓜;
gooseneck n. 曲如鹅颈之物,雁颈,鹅颈管;鹅圈;
leatherneck n. 海军陆战队员;
littleneck n. 小帘蛤(一种可生食的圆形厚壳蛤);
neckband n. 衬衫领子,围颈带;领口;
necked adj. 收缩的,缩小的;
neckerchief n. 围巾,颈巾;
necking n. 柱头,圆柱颈部的花边装饰,<美口>搂脖子亲嘴;细颈现象;颈缩;
necklace n. 项链;
neckline n. (女装的)领口,开领;
neckpiece n. 皮围巾;领饰;
necktie n. 领带,领结;
neckwear n. 领带,围巾之类;
redneck n. 乡下人,农人;
roughneck n. 粗鲁的人,无赖;钻工(石油);
rubberneck n. <美俚>(好奇的)伸长脖子看(或听)的人,观光客,好奇者;跟着向导游览的人; vi. 好奇地听;伸长脖子看;
turtleneck n. 高领绒衣;高翻领,圆翻领;
wryneck n. 啄木鸟的一种,歪脖;

neck-and-neck adj. 并排的,并驾齐驱的;
neck and neck 并驾齐驱;
neck body 颈体;
neck gland 颈腺,咽扁桃腺;
neck bush 内衬套;
ring-neck n. 颈部有色环围绕的鸟类或其他动物;
crew neck n. 水手领;
neck strap 颈圈,颈枷;
bottle-neck n. 瓶颈;
neck initial 颈原始细胞;
neck diameter 颈部直径;
low-neck adj. (衣服)领口开得低的;
liner neck 气缸套的上定位环带;
Citrullus Neck. [医] 西瓜属;
neck resistance 颈缩抗力;
ewe-neck [医] 牝羊颈;
neck circumference 颈围;
swan-neck 弯曲管;
neck rigidity 颈强直;
swivel neck 水旋转接头;
neck brace [医]颈支具;




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