


2019-03-05 15:45:11  ·  词库



英音 [fri:] 美音 [fri]


adj. 自由的;免费的;免税的;空闲的;

adv. 免费地;自由地,无拘束地;一帆风顺地;

vt. 免除;释放;使自由;解救;


  1. people who are free;

    "the home of the free and the brave"

  1. able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint;

    "free enterprise"
    "a free port"
    "a free country"
    "I have an hour free"
    "free will"
    "free of racism"
    "feel free to stay as long as you wish"
    "a free choice"

  2. unconstrained or not chemically bound in a molecule or not fixed and capable of relatively unrestricted motion;

    "free expansion"
    "free oxygen"
    "a free electron"

  3. costing nothing;

    "complimentary tickets"
    "free admission"

  4. not occupied or in use;

    "a free locker"
    "a free lane"

  5. not fixed in position;

    "the detached shutter fell on him"
    "he pulled his arm free and ran"

  6. not held in servitude;

    "after the Civil War he was a free man"

  7. not taken up by scheduled activities;

    "a free hour between classes"
    "spare time on my hands"

  8. completely wanting or lacking;

    "writing barren of insight"
    "young recruits destitute of experience"
    "innocent of literary merit"
    "the sentence was devoid of meaning"

  9. not literal;

    "a loose interpretation of what she had been told"
    "a free translation of the poem"

  1. without restraint;

    "cows in India are running loose"

  1. grant freedom to; free from confinement

  2. relieve from;

    "Rid the house of pests"

  3. remove or force out from a position;

    "The dentist dislodged the piece of food that had been stuck under my gums"
    "He finally could free the legs of the earthquake victim who was buried in the rubble"

  4. grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to;

    "She exempted me from the exam"

  5. make (information) available for publication;

    "release the list with the names of the prisoners"

  6. free from obligations or duties

  7. free or remove obstruction from;

    "free a path across the cluttered floor"

  8. let off the hook;

    "I absolve you from this responsibility"

  9. part with a possession or right;

    "I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest"
    "resign a claim to the throne"

  10. release (gas or energy) as a result of a chemical reaction or physical decomposition

  11. make (assets) available;

    "release the holdings in the dictator's bank account"

Murfree [人名] 默弗里;
carefree adj. 无忧无虑的,快乐舒畅的;逍遥自在;宽畅;闲逸;
freebase vi. <美俚>加热吸用精炼可卡因;
freebie n. <非正><尤美>免费赠品(礼物、膳食等);不劳而获的东西;施与(接受)免费赠品者;
freeboard n. 干舷;净空;超高;
freeboot vi. 做海盗;
freebooter n. 海盗;
freeborn adj. 生而自由的,自由民的,适于自由民的;
freedman n. 自由民,被解放的奴隶;
freedom n. 自由,自主;直率;特权,特许;自由权;
freedwoman n. 自由妇女;
freeform adj. 形式自由的,任意的;
freehand adj.& n. 徒手画(的);
freehanded adj. 不拘束的,大方的;手松;
freehearted adj. 坦白的,爽朗的;
freehold n. 自由保有,不动产;
freelance n. 自由作家;自由记者; adj. 特约的;自由职业的; vi. 当自由职业者;
freeload v. 吃白食,不劳而获; n. 一种离线浏览主页的工具软件;
freeman n. 自由民,享有市民权的人;
freemartin n. 和雄犊双生的雌犊;
freemason n. 互济会会员;
freemasonry n. 同病相怜,共济会的组织会员;
freesia n. 小苍兰属植物;
freestanding adj. (家具或设备)独立式的;
freestone n. 核肉分离的果实; adj. 果肉与核容易分开的;
freestyle n. 自由式;自选动作; adj. 自由式的;自由泳的;
freethinker n. 自由思想家;
freeway n. 高速公路;快车道;
freewheel n. 自由飞轮; vi. 轻快地行动,凭惯性前进;
freewheeling n. 惯性滑行; adj. 惯性滑行的,随心所欲的; v. 轻快地行动,凭惯性前进( freewheel的现在分词 );
freewill adj. 自愿的;自由意志的;任意的;
freeze vt. 使结冰,使冻僵;冷藏;吓呆;冻结(存款,工资等); vi. 凝固,结冰;冻伤,冻死; n. 冻结;严寒时期;
freezer n. 冰箱;冷藏库;制冷工;
germfree adj. 无菌的,在无菌状态下出生的;

free handle 活动手柄;
free rein 完全的行动自由;随意;
free copy 赠送(阅)本;
free-falling adj. 自由落下的;
free convection 自然对流;
free salt 游离盐;
free piercing 自由冲孔;
free from (把…)从…释放出来, 使摆脱;
free milling 自由选矿;
free pole 自由磁极;
scot-free adj. 不受处罚的;无伤的;平安的;无义务的;
free-free transition 自由自由跃迁;
free-free beam 悬臂简支果;
free-free emission 自由发射;
free-free absorption 自由自由吸收;
weed-free [医]无水藻的;
free forming 自由成形;
shock free 无冲荒;
running free [化] 空运转;[经] 不加负荷的运转,空转;
oxygen free 无氧的;
free bacteriophage [医]游离噬菌体;
free blowing 无模人工吹制(玻璃器皿);




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